The Rest of the Way


The Rest of the Way: Healing Barriers Between Gays, Lesbians, and Their Parents

Sprinkled with compelling stories and insights The Rest of the Way recounts Enid’s journey of self-discovery that led her to unconditional acceptance of her gay son in a most genuine and heartfelt way. The book, offers keen observations in the struggle parents often face when coming to terms with having a gay child. Ultimately, Enid and her husband Syd came to a place of understanding that they were the ones who had to change; and not their son.

Maya & the Magic Swing


Maya and The Magic Swing will take children on a metaphorical journey where mistakes happen on a grand scale and are transformed into something positive. The book’s message is no one is perfect-we all make mistakes. An important message for children in today’s world. Fun not only to read but also to hear, the book is ideal for parents, teachers, counselors, and therapists. Written by a psychotherapist and illustrated by a remarkably gifted fifteen-year-old award-winning artist.

Life with ADD


Life With ADD: Ain't it Grand Kindle Edition

Are you someone with ADD who feels scattered and disorganized a lot of the time, and wonders why you can’t get it all together? Having ADD myself, I know the feeling. So, I wrote a short eBook in rhyme telling what it’s like. The illustrated book, LIFE WITH ADD: AIN’T IT Grand is a funny and honest portrayal of my life that will resonate with many people. The book is not only for people with ADD but for those who love them; to help others understand what living with ADD is like.